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Writer's picture: HeardinLondonHeardinLondon

Updated: May 2, 2024

I had such fun playing in the studio with Natascha for her portrait session she brought a load of her kitchen implements and we had fun cradling them and dancing with them and failing to make creative shadows. ⁠


This shot was in the middle of a moment of real raw vulnerability which was spliced with full character, after encouraging her to look in the mirror and investigate parts of herself which deserved more kindness, I then invited her to bring more of herself into the shot, she lifted the masher up, and at that moment I said "Right, now look to me like you are just about to mash the patriarchy." And then we both fell about laughing for about five minutes, and I got loads of out-of-focus shots because I was laughing too hard.⁠


Get you a photographer who finds their own jokes way too funny.⁠


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