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Things you need to throw away

Moving house last year was tough.

I own too much stuff.

And I've treated the task of sifting through the collections of my Mum and my Grandmother’s lives like a sacred honouring.


My head is full of stories and objects carry their memories.


Though I'm happy to release them back out into the world, I want to do it with care and consideration.


I notice I treat my hang-ups the same way.  Once I began to notice this, the questions came tumbling forth.


  • Where has playing small protected me even though I don't want to do that anymore?

  • Where does my fear of being seen prevent me from showing up?

  • Where have my old stories about money tried to keep me safe?

  • Where has me hiding in photographs robbed me of memories of moments with friends?

  • Where is my self-criticism just secretly cosplaying as a habit?

  • Where have I distracted myself trying to accept others’ behaviour, rather than choosing to do the deep, hard, ground-disturbing work of acknowledging what I want for myself?

I've tried berating my inner critic. But it's part of me too. And most of the time it was just trying to protect me.


It's just that I don't need that level of protection anymore. Just like I don't need to be surrounded by so many possessions which used to make a life which is no longer lived.


When I'm willing to let these things go, I have more space for potential I can't even imagine yet.


Where is this true for you? What are you willing to let go?

A woman with long ginger hair say on a green velvet sofa holding a camera lens forward


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